The White Keys
Learning the notes is very important in order cu make use of the basic materials of music , such as chords, scales, keys, modes and so on.
So let's start the first step. So we have the midi keyboard in front. As we noticed we have black and white keys. The black key as we can observe are grouped in twos and threes, and as well it stands in between the white keys.
The most important note to learn is C. This is a white note that stands always on the left of the group of two of the black keys. As you also noticed there are more then 1 C key. This means that the C note occurs in different octaves. In a regular piano we have up to 7 octaves, so that means we have C , C1, C2 ... and so on till C7.
So if we take for example C , this note generates harmonics. In this case C is the fundamental frequency and C2 is the second harmonic. Because the second harmonic had a frequency double than its fundamental, we can deduct the ratio 2:1.
Once you understand where C is located in the keyboard the rest of the notes are named alphabetical. So let's start from C - than we have D - then E - F - G - when we reach g , we add A and B and again then C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 and so on.
The Black Keys
Ok, now that we know the white keys, to understand and learn the name of the black one is very easy.
First is to note that the black key are representing the flats and the sharps . Let's take for example the key white key G.
As you noticed the G stands in between two black keys. The left one is flat and the right one is a sharp, in this case G flat noted Gb and G sharp noted G#.
So can understand from here that the black key are the sharps and the flats of the white key and they are named by the white key that it applies. All the white keys have flats or sharps. For this reason the black keys can have multiple names in the same time. As for example G# can be as well and Eb.
"time is a great teacher, but it kills all of it's pupils" Hector Berlioz
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